Welcome to
Welcome to Mastermind Hive,where entrepreneurs unite to support
and uplift eachother on their journey to success.
Here’s to thriving together and
achieving mutual success!
are better together.
Being an entrepreneur is tough — but you’re not alone. Mastermind Hive unites founders, freelancers, and entrepreneurs from around the globe in a dedicated peer advisory group to help you — and your business — thrive.
Mastermind Hive instantly connects you with real and relatable entrepreneurs who you can learn from and grow with.
Success doesn’t come without failure and a commitment to personal growth. Leverage the “hive mind” to learn, evolve, and realize results faster.
Mastermind Hive members excel in their business — and broader lives — by showing up fully and contributing as much as they take.
Ready to achieve
great things?
The entrepreneurial journey is not for the faint of heart. It’s rarely a straight line to success and almost always requires support — lots of it! At Mastermind Hive, we’ve created a community to support entrepreneurs on their journey.
3-5 participants, one goal.
Move your business forward.
What is a
Mastermind Group?
You’ve heard the old adage, “two minds are better than one”, but have you considered how this concept applies to your business?
When you join a Mastermind Hive group, you instantly gain access to a dedicated support team that’s laser focused on helping you level up your game and your business.
Growing a new business takes dedication and support. With a Mastermind group on your side, you instantly have access to a supportive community.
It’s hard being the boss of your attention. Each weekly Mastermind session will help you create smarter goals and stay accountable.
A Mastermind peer group includes entrepreneurs like you. This setup makes it easy to learn, stretch and stay inspired by relateable peers.
We can do anything we set our minds to — but it’s a lot easier to stay motivated when we’re feeling connected and aligned with our true north.
What else do Mastermind Hive members get?
Weekly Mastermind video calls
Access to Mastermind Hive Membership Community
Weekly accountability checks
Invite-only workshops to support your business
Dedicated support team
Member-only discounts to new products and services
You can escape
the startup slump.
Not all Mastermind groups are the same.
At Mastermind Hive, we’ve distilled best practices to suit the unique needs, challenges, and opportunities that today’s most ambitious entrepreneurs face.
A Mastermind Hive group will help you — and your business — evolve through the growing pains that entrepreneurs know all too well.
Too busy!
Low confidence
Stress & anxiety
Imposter syndrome
Social isolation
Ready to join
the Hive Mind?
Hive Mind:
1. A collective consciousness, analogous to the behavior of social insects, in which a group of people become aware of their commonality and think and act as a community, sharing their knowledge, thoughts, and resources:
e.g. the global hive mind.
Mastermind Hive right for me?
You love working on your business, but struggle to stay productive and consistent enough to achieve your goals.
You lack a dependable and inspiring network of peers who you can relate to and talk shop with–people who truly understand the journey you’re on.
You love regularly achieving business goals, but you encounter feeling stuck or having tunnel vision.
You enjoy the freedom your business provides, but you struggle with routines, discipline, and sticking to your core habits. It’s so hard being the boss of your attention.
You care about mental and personal health just as much as professional growth, but you have a hard time finding balance or often feel burnt out.
You know where you want to end up, but you don’t know the next step.
Mastermind Hive is committed to building a diverse, accepting, and vibrant community. Please don’t hesitate to reach out to us with your questions.